Promoting growth in student learning

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Action Research Plan (Detailed)

Research Question: How effective is our current professional development program in preparing general education teachers for the inclusion classroom? What support do the teachers need in order to implement effective strategies for learning in their classrooms?


  1. Amber,
    I like your approach on the inclusion issue. I know that you have taken a look at my research plan as well. I originally wanted to look at how we helped teachers prepare for a co-teach relationship but came to realize that I had no real way of obtaining enough quantifiable data. So my principal and I decided to take a step back in the idea and see how the students progressed in the co-teach system. It looks like you will have more than enough data to draw from both quantifiable and qualitative. I will be keeping up with your research and conclusions. Good luck and keep writing please.

  2. Ms. Stansberry:

    Your action plan is detailed and lists all the essential components. I liked that you have included technology action plan for special education (inclusion). I need to revise my action plan to include special education. The action plan looks awesome!!!
